Increased Healthspan With Lifespan

Vitality, Rejuvenation, Longevity

 Reverse Lifestyle Disorders 

Vitality, Rejuvenation, Longevity

 Reverse Lifestyle Disorders 

Increased Healthspan With Lifespan

Wellpro Wellness

Wellpro Wellness is the FIRST ECOSYSTEM on HEALTH SOLUTIONSWELLBEING. It provides evidence based tools to reverse lifestyle disorders ensuring Rejuvenation, Vitality, and Longevity.

Wellpro Wellness Protocol

Restore Cellular Health

Vitality | Reverse Lifestyle Disorder | Rejuvenation | Longevity

Deep Detox

Restore Alkalinity

Personalized Intermittent
Fasting Diet Plan

Increase Vitality
Cellular Respiration
Soleus Activation Series

Cellular Relaxation
For Chronic Stress Divyanubhuti Dhyan

Counter Free Radicals
With Super Antioxidants

Reverse Lifestyle Disorder
Restart Blocked
Biochemical Reactions


Nature Connect

Wellpro Wellness

Wellpro Wellness is the FIRST ECOSYSTEM on HEALTH SOLUTIONS & WELLBEING. It provides evidence-based tools to reverse lifestyle disorders ensuring rejuvenation, Vitality, and Longevity.

Wellpro Wellness Protocol

Vitality | Reverse Lifestyle Disorder | Rejuvenation | Longevity

Wellpro Wellness Protocol

Deep Detox

Restore Alkalinity

Personalized Intermittent
Fasting Diet Plan

Increase Vitality
Cellular Respiration
Soleus Activation Series

Cellular Relaxation
For Chronic Stress Divyanubhuti Dhyan

Counter Free Radicals
With Super Antioxidants

Reverse Lifestyle Disorder
Restart Blocked
Biochemical Reactions


Nature Connect

Vitality | Reverse Lifestyle Disorder | Rejuvenation | Longevity

 Factors Affecting Cellular Charge 

Cellular Imbalance

  • Glucose Imbalance
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Microbial Imbalance 
  • pH Imbalance
  • Nutritional Imbalance

Cellular Inhibitors

  • Toxins
  • Lack of Digestion
  • Stress
  • Lack of Sleep
  • Free Radical Attack

 Factors Affecting Cellular Charge 

Cellular Imbalance

  • Glucose Imbalance
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Microbial Imbalance 
  • pH Imbalance
  • Nutritional Imbalance

Cellular Inhibitors

  • Toxins
  • Lack of Digestion
  • Stress
  • Lack of Sleep
  • Free Radical Attack

World Of Wellness

For the first time, you will know where you stand in the World of Wellness. It will make you aware of the parameters involved in leading a healthy lifestyle by quantifying for you a Wellpro Score.

We at Wellpro believe that there is no, one silver bullet or sanjeevani booti to achieve good health. Rather wholesome health is achieved by comprehensively and simultaneously working on a bouquet of parameters which ultimately get integrated with your way of living. stands on the foundation of 12 verticals. Based on evidence-based research each vertical offers you a unique and innovative approach to guide you towards peak wellness.

Initiate Your Wellness Journey

Based on decades of research and experience our endeavor has been to offer you the best of science with thousands of years of ancient wisdom. Our team of scientists has for the first time given a scientific rationale behind age-old practices which have helped us evolve more efficient pathways of delivery of good health and wellness.

Our first step is a complete diagnostic test to determine your cellular imbalances. We critically evaluate if any of the parameters are disturbed which may point towards the initiation of lifestyle disorders. For example, we pay a lot of attention to your cellular chemistry as acidic pH reduces cell charge and drastically reduces the effectiveness of cellular functioning.

Wellpro Score

World Of Wellness

For the first time, you will know where you stand in the World of Wellness. It will make you aware of the parameters involved in leading a healthy lifestyle by quantifying for you a Wellpro Score.

We at Wellpro believe that there is no, one silver bullet or sanjeevani booti to achieve good health. Rather wholesome health is achieved by comprehensively and simultaneously working on a bouquet of parameters that ultimately get integrated with your way of living. stands on the foundation of 12 verticals. Based on evidence-based research each vertical offers you a unique and innovative approach to guide you toward peak wellness.

Customized Diagnostic Test

Initiate Your Wellness Journey

Based on decades of research and experience our endeavor has been to offer you the best of science with thousands of years of ancient wisdom. Our team of scientists has for the first time given a scientific rationale behind age-old practices which have helped us evolve more efficient pathways of delivery of good health and wellness.

Our first step is a complete diagnostic test to determine your cellular imbalances. We critically evaluate if any of the parameters are disturbed which may point towards the initiation of lifestyle disorders. For example, we pay a lot of attention to your cellular chemistry as acidic pH reduces cell charge and drastically reduces the effectiveness of cellular functioning.

Digestive Rejuvenation

Deep Detox Cell Activator is a herbal formulation developed for the restoration of digestive fire by combining the wisdom of 5000 years of Ayurveda with the scientific evidence of medical research. Once a year for maximum 3 months Deep Detox Cell Activator has been tried and tested in over 100,000 cases of digestive and gut health issues.

It has been found to be very effective for cases of hyperacidity, reflux, bloating, indigestion, IBS constipation, and lack of appetite. It has given excellent results for root cause reversal of jaundice, anemia, fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. Periodic Deep Detox, therefore, has the power to cleanse the digestive system, and eliminate toxins thereby increasing the life force that leads to rejuvenation.

Deep Detox

 1. Detox Liver

 2. Improves Appetite

 3. Improves Bile Production

 4. Restore Jatharagni

 5. Improves Gut Health

 6. Eliminate Heavy Metals

 7. Eliminates SIBO

 8. Restore Pancreas Function

 9. Restarts Enzyme Secretion

10. Restores pH Imbalance

11. Restores Fatty Liver

12. Eliminate Constipation

13. Restore Immunity

14. Reversal of Diabetes

Digestive Rejuvenation

Deep Detox Cell Activator is a herbal formulation developed for the restoration of digestive fire by combining the wisdom of 5000 years of Ayurveda with the scientific evidence of medical research. Once a year for a maximum of 3 months Deep Detox Cell Activator has been tried and tested in over 100,000 cases of digestive and gut health issues.

It has been found to be very effective for cases of hyperacidity, reflux, bloating, indigestion, IBS constipation, and lack of appetite. It has given excellent results for root cause reversal of jaundice, anemia, fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. Periodic Deep Detox, therefore, has the power to cleanse the digestive system, and eliminate toxins thereby increasing the life force that leads to rejuvenation.


 1. Detox Liver

 2. Improves Appetite

 3. Improves Bile Production

 4. Restore Jatharagni

 5. Improves Gut Health

 6. Eliminate Heavy Metals

 7. Eliminates SIBO

 8. Restore Pancreas Function

 9. Restarts Enzyme Secretion

10. Restores pH Imbalance

11. Restores Fatty Liver

12. Eliminate Constipation

13. Restore Immunity

14. Reversal of Diabetes

Role Of Cellular Chemistry

Alkaline Water


  • One jug water
  • 4 slices of cucumber with peel
  • 2-3 slices of lemon with peel
  • One small piece of crushed ginger
  • Few leaves of pudina(mint) or tulsi

It will flush out your toxins and start to make your body Alkaline.

For improved results take one capsule of Nutrilizer Mag along with Alkaline water.

Drink the entire jug in the morning one glass at a time.


Restore Alkanity

Alkaline Water


  • One jug water
  • 4 slices of cucumber with peel
  • 2-3 slices of lemon with peel
  • One small piece of crushed ginger
  • Few leaves of pudina(mint) or tulsi

It will flush out your toxins and start to make your body Alkaline.

For improved results take one capsule of Nutrilizer Mag along with Alkaline water.

Drink the entire jug in the morning one glass at a time.

Personalized Intermittent Fasting Diet (PIFD) Plan

Personalised Intermittent Fasting Diet (PIFD) Plan

Intermittent Fasting

  • Improves Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Increases HDL Levels
  • Lowers Insulin Resistance
  • Reduces Cortisol Levels
  • Optimizes Weight Management
  • Boosts Immune System
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health
  • Increases Endurance
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Improves Symptoms of Arthritis
  • Impacts on Health and Aging

Schedule An Appointment With A Dietitian

  • Improves Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Increases HDL Levels
  • Lowers Insulin Resistance
  • Reduces Cortisol Levels
  • Optimizes Weight Management
  • Boosts Immune System
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health
  • Increases Endurance
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Improves Symptoms of Arthritis
  • Impacts on Health and Aging

Schedule An Appointment With A Dietician

 Shakti Pranayam & Divyanubhuti Yoga 

Shakti Pranayam and Divyanubhuti Yoga have been designed scientifically to achieve cellular relaxation, increase cellular respiration, and increase your cell charge. For example, our goal of achieving cellular relaxation is achieved by naturally increasing the production of nitric oxide which automatically opens your sinuses, achieves bronchodilation (which helps in increasing the oxygen intake), and is scientifically proven to help erectile dysfunction.

Along with cellular relaxation, cellular respiration is increased as more percentage of oxygen molecules are able to enter your cells. This also helps in greater absorption of nutrients helping your cells perform at a higher efficiency. This is the real secret of rejuvenation and increased vitality.

Cellular Relaxation

 Shakti Pranayam & Divyanubhuti Yoga 

Shakti Pranayam and Divyanubhuti Yoga have been designed scientifically to achieve cellular relaxation, increase cellular respiration, and increase your cell charge. For example, our goal of achieving cellular relaxation is achieved by naturally increasing the production of nitric oxide which automatically opens your sinuses, achieves bronchodilation (which helps in increasing the oxygen intake), and is scientifically proven to help erectile dysfunction.

Along with cellular relaxation, cellular respiration is increased as more percentage of oxygen molecules are able to enter your cells. This also helps in greater absorption of nutrients helping your cells perform at a higher efficiency. This is the real secret of rejuvenation and increased vitality.

Cellular Respiration

Presence Of Life force Is Life, Absence Of Life force Is Death, Blockages In Life force, Cause Disease.

Dr Ashustosh Rastogi -

Mentor , Wellpro Wellness

Take care of your body, mind and spirit and you will find joy in everything you do. 

Good health and wellbeing is the foundation of a happy life.

- Nikhil Sharma

Founder & CEO, Wellpro Wellness

Take care of your body,                 mind and spirit and

      you will find joy in                          everything you do.

              -Nikhil Sharma

(Founder & CEO, Wellpro Wellness)                                                   

Presence Of Lifeforce Is Life

Absence Of Lifeforce Is Death

Blockages In Lifeforce Cause Disease

-Dr. Ashutosh Rastogi

(Founder & CEO, Wellpro Wellness)

Lifestyle Disorders

Wellpro has done intense review of medical literature to determine the reaction mechanism for each lifestyle disorder. Through medical research articles, we have determined the deficient micronutrients which lead to the reaction pathway being blocked which results in the manifestation of the specific lifestyle disorder.

Based on this vital information herbal nutraceuticals have been formulated to help reverse each lifestyle disorder. Specific combinations of over 50 herbal nutraceuticals are for each lifestyle disorder like diabetes, thyroid, PCOD, acidity, constipation, reflux, IBS, erectile dysfunction, joint pain, weight loss, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, etc.

Self Healing

Take Responsibility, your health lies in your own hands. has been designed to give you in-depth knowledge so that you can find your own path of self-healing. For example, you can follow the Morning Protocol under

Reverse Lifestyle Disorders

Lifestyle Disorders

Wellpro has done intense review of medical literature to determine the reaction mechanism for each lifestyle disorder. Through medical research articles, we have determined the deficient micronutrients which lead to the reaction pathway being blocked which results in the manifestation of the specific lifestyle disorder.

Based on this vital information herbal nutraceuticals have been formulated to help reverse each lifestyle disorder. Specific combinations of over 50 herbal nutraceuticals are for each lifestyle disorder like diabetes, thyroid, PCOD, acidity, constipation, reflux, IBS, erectile dysfunction, joint pain, weight loss, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, etc.

Wholesome Health

Self Healing

Take Responsibility, your health lies in your own hands. has been designed to give you in-depth knowledge so that you can find your own path of self-healing. For example, you can follow the Morning Protocol under selfheal

Peak Wellness

Highway To Wellness has a team of trained dietitians, yoga experts, and functional medicine doctors to help you achieve your goal of increasing your Healthspan with Lifespan.

Our team of wellness advisors are available at all times to handhold you in your journey on the Highway of Wellness.

Highway To Wellness has a team of trained dietitians, yoga experts, and functional medicine doctors to help you achieve your goal of increasing your Healthspan with Lifespan.

Our team of wellness advisors are available at all times to handhold you in your journey on the Highway of Wellness.

Need help, schedule a consultation with Wellness Advisor who will guide you at every stage.

Our Goal

To help you achieve peak physical health, mental health, emotional health and spiritual health.

Need help, schedule a consultation with Wellness Advisor who will guide you at every stage.

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