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Diabetes Free

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A Holistic and Customized reversal program designed by World-Class Diabetes Experts and Health Advisors to address and correct the root causes of Type 2 Diabetes.


Reversal Of Diabetes Is Possible.

 * Journal of Clinical Endocrinol Metabolism 2001 

Reduce Blood Sugar by


                                     * iScience, Aug 2022                                  


 "Reversal Of Diabetes Is Possible."

* Journal of Clinical Endocrinol Metabolism 2001, 86:280-288 *

What is a diabetic management plan?

A diabetes management plan is a group of certain protocols that helps you to manage your blood sugar levels. This plan includes a healthy diet, physical activities, medications, regular sugar level checks, insulin intake, and usage of devices.

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What are the five components of diabetic management?

Diabetes management program helps pre-diabetic and type-2 diabetic people reverse their diabetes whereas type-1 diabetic people can easily manage their sugar levels. A perfect diabetes management plan consists of 5M’s. These components help in the significant reduction of blood sugar levels and HbA1C.

These 5M components of diabetes management are:

1. Monitoring

2. Healthy Diet

3. Lifestyle modification

4. physical Activity

5. Medical

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What is the management of prediabetes?

Management of prediabetes includes lifestyle modifications, Dietary management, some nutrients helpful in the reversal of Insulin resistance, the main factor behind Pre diabetes, and increased activity levels

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What are the principles of diabetes management?

1. Low Glycemic Index and glycemic Load Diet

2. High Protein and fiber diet

3. More physical activity

4. Avoid stress and have proper sleep

5. Nutritional Support to prevent, manage and reverse the diabetes

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"Wellpro Ensures Peak Health And Wellness"

Stages of Diabetes

Type II Diabetes

Stage I : Insulin Resistance - Pre Diabetic

Stage II : Hyperinsulinemia - Pancreas releases insulin at all times

Stage III : Diabetes Diagnosed - Glucose tolerance test impaired

Type I Diabetes

Stage IV : High Insulin Diabetes - Pancreas is in overdrive and degenerating

Stage V : Low Insulin Diabetes - Pancreas unable to make insulin beta degenerating cells not performing

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What is Diabetes Mellitus? How do you get it?

Diabetes means your body does not properly make or use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that lets cells absorb glucose from the food you eat,without it cells starve. Most of the food we eat and digest is turned into glucose,glucose then travels throughout the body.When we start eating, pancreas begin to produce insulin. As the glucose from the food builds up in the blood, the pancreas begins to produce insulin and insulin helps the glucose enter the cells.

Resulting glucose level in the blood goes back down. Throughout the day, glucose levels rise and fall within the fairly steady range.If this system goes wrong means if the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin or if insulin could not do its work properly (Insulin Resistance) cells are deprived of nourishment and glucose builds up in the bloodstream. Hence high levels of glucose in the blood is called diabetes

A bad lifestyle,unhealthy eating habits,sedentary lifestyle and family history are the main reasons for type II diabetes Mellitus.

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How many types of Diabetes?

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus – Insulin Dependent

 Type II Diabetes Mellitus –LIFESTYLE DISORDER

 Prediabetes – HbA1c between 5.7 - 6.4 percent

 Gestational diabetes – Occurs during Pregnancy

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Is Diabetes reversal possible?

With proper dietary management,lifestyle modifications and nutritional support upto 80 percent diabetes cases can be reversed.

Only 5% of Type 1 diabetes and approximately 15% of severe Diabetes cases(where internal organs are already damaged) can be managed only and progression can be slowed down.

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What should be the blood sugar readings?

The American Diabetes Association Recommends a blood glucose range of 80-130 before meals and less than 180

About 2 hrs after the meal.

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What can I eat in Diabetes?

You can eat just about anything you want. But it should be low glycemic index and low glycemic load food .It's about knowing proper portion size so take help of a Dietitian to count carbohydrates,low glycemic index and low glycemic load diet based on your requirement. Dietitians can plan meals specifically for you.

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Do I need to follow a low Carb diet?

Carbs are an important part of a healthy diet. Besides counting carbs, people with diabetes can also benefit from eating lower fat ,high fiber foods and just enough calories to maintain healthy weight

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Can I eat artificial sweeteners or Sugar free ?

Artificial sweeteners can be part of a healthy meal plan but in small amounts or once in a while.

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If I am suffering from a cold or Flu, should I continue taking diabetes medication?

Diabetes does not take a break when you are sick .Those with diabetes must take extra care when choosing over the counter medication to treat cold and flu symptoms.

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What are the key challenges of Diabetes patients?

Poor Diet,poor nutritional status, lack of physical activity and poor self monitoring of glucose levels are some of the most common obstacles faced by DM patients.

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How does diabetes affect quality of life?

Physical symptoms like fatigue or the pain of neuropathy, kidney health,blood pressure and heart health are one way, Mental symptoms such as depression over lost health and diabetes can take away things that make your life enjoyable such as eating what you want or Sex drive/Vigour and vitality.

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How can diabetes be prevented?

Type II diabetes is largely preventable by keeping weight and stress under control, exercising and eating a healthy diet with portion control and with right nutritional supplements

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